Public Review Draft Coastal Action Plan
The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, along with many partner agencies, have been working on creating a unified strategy for Lake Huron’s Southeastern Shores (Sarnia to Tobermory) to manage and protect the resiliency and ecological integrity of our coastal ecosystems.
Started in 2016, this Action Plan is set to be released December 2019. This non-regulatory plan will create a unified vision for Lake Huron coastal conservation and stewardship efforts. This plan will enable a coordinated approach to address common issues and goals of communities along the Lake Huron shoreline. The plan will develop a list of environmental management strategies by identifying valuable natural features and species, and the threats and stressors that negatively impact them.
If you would like to review the Draft Coastal Action Plan for the Southeastern Shoreline of Lake Huron, you may do so from now to Oct. 14 at Draft Plan
Questions regarding the Lake Huron Coastal Action Plan may be directed to Hannah Cann at or by calling LHCCC office at 226 421-3029
Bluewater Municipal Garbage Collection and Ontario Provincial Policy Reviews
Of issues BSRA has been following, we would like to update you on two.
The Municipality of Bluewater is currently looking at changes to the current garbage and recycling collection system and frequency. This is to keep you informed of what we have learnt.
One option we understand is the potential replacement of the current manual pick up units with an automated system requiring new garbage containers. We understand it is the preferred collection method being advocated by Bluewater Recycling Association.
We also understand that the municipality is also reviewing the bi-weekly collection for properties west of Highway 21 between October and May each year. With a weekly collection year-round being proposed by the Bluewater Recycling Association. To cover the cost of these changes, the garbage tag would be eliminated, and the fee for the service would be added to the property tax bill of residents. We hear figures of $120 – $150 being added annually to property taxes bills.
In a review of services, the municipality should take into account that over 70% of the population along the lakeshore do not require garbage or recycling collection every week and that the lakeshore road system is already a challenge for the current vehicles. In some cases, it may not be able to accommodate the large automated vehicles.
There are proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement. Municipal Government and Conservation Authorities are greatly affected by Provincial Policy. Take advantage of this opportunity to submit your own comments prior to the October 21st deadline. For further details and to comment, visit Policy Review Page

The Huron County Clean Water Project: Septic Upgrade Grants Applications Accepted Till August 31 2019
This program will accept applications until August 31 2019.
The Huron Clean Water Project (HCWP) is allocating a total of $40,000 to the septic system upgrade category in 2019 with a maximum grant of $2,000 per project. Systems that have the potential to contaminate drinking water and those near municipal drinking water wells are the main focus. Residences west of Hwy 21 are also a high priority because of their potential impact on swimming beaches.
People interested in applying are invited to call Doug Hocking at MVCA, 519 335-3557 Ext. 236 or Kate Monk at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, 519 235-2610 Ext. 227.
Fall Tree Planting Program Launched in Ausable-Bayfield Watershed
Autumn is a good time to plant ball and burlap evergreens and potted deciduous trees, according to Ian Jean, Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA).
“There are some advantages to planting trees in autumn,” Ian said. “The trees can get used to the new conditions and be ready to grow the following spring. Rainfall is also more reliable which helps with the survival.”
For further details and to order trees,click HERE